Attribute VB_Name = "InsGM2HylaFax" 'GoldMine 4.x Link for Microsoft Word 97 'CopyHyla GoldMine Software Corportation 1997, 1998 'WHFC Support updated by Sujay D'Souza / Dim to_$, company$, res$, mode$, GMCh, faxnum$, recipient$, defprn$ Public Sub Main() to_$ = "" company$ = "" res$ = "" mode$ = "" GMCh = 0 faxnum$ = "" recipient$ = "" defprn$ = "" SubmitFax 0, 1, 0 End Sub Private Function GetLinkName$() GetLinkName$ = "HylaFax" End Function Public Function OpenFax() Dim FaxDevice$ FaxDevice$ = WordBasic.[GetProfileString$]("devices", "HYLAFAX") If FaxDevice$ = "" Then OpenFax = -1 WordBasic.AppMaximize "Microsoft Word", 1 WordBasic.AppActivate "Microsoft Word", 1 WordBasic.MsgBox "Faxing Aborted..." + Chr(13) + "Can Not Locate HylaFax", "GoldMine Link", 16 GoTo byeOpenFax Else OpenFax = 0 byeOpenFax: End If End Function Public Sub SubmitFax(ch, mode_, faxch) Dim CloseGMDDE Dim FaxNo$ ' check for an open DDE channel to Goldmine GMCh = ch ' assign goldmine dde channel to global If GMCh = 0 Then ' need to initiate link with GoldMine If Not (WordBasic.AppIsRunning("GoldMine")) Then ' GoldMine is not running. WordBasic.MsgBox "GoldMine is NOT Running!", "Send Via WinFax", 16 GoTo Exit_ End If GMCh = WordBasic.DDEInitiate("GoldMine", "Data") CloseGMDDE = 1 Else CloseGMDDE = 0 End If AccNo$ = WordBasic.[DDERequest$](GMCh, "&AccountNo") FaxNo$ = WordBasic.[DDERequest$](GMCh, "&Fax") recipient$ = WordBasic.[DDERequest$](GMCh, "&Contact") company$ = WordBasic.[DDERequest$](GMCh, "&Company") 'Set printer to HylaFAX defprn$ = WordBasic.Call("GMLib.GetPrinter$") SetHFxPrn (GMCh) SpoolFile$ = Environ("TEMP") If SpoolFile$ = "" Then SpoolFile$ = Environ("TMP") ElseIf SpoolFile$ = "" Then SpoolFile$ = Environ("WINDIR") ElseIf SpoolFile$ = "" Then SpoolFile$ = "C:" End If SpoolFile$ = SpoolFile$ + "\" ActiveDocument.PrintOut Background:=False, Append:=False, range:=wdPrintAllDocument, _ OutputFileName:=SpoolFile$, Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent, PrintToFile:=True Set objwhfc = CreateObject("WHFC.OleSrv") retole = objwhfc.SendFax(SpoolFile$, FaxNo$, True) If retole <= 0 Then retBox = MsgBox("Error Sending File; ErrCode = " + Str(retole), 16, "Send via HylaFAX") 'Else ' retBox = MsgBox("Fax Queued; Transaction No. " + Str(retOle), 16, "Send via HylaFAX") End If Set objwhfc = Nothing WordBasic.Call "GMLib.SetPrinter", defprn$ Exit_: If CloseGMDDE Then WordBasic.DDETerminate GMCh End If End Sub Private Sub MergeFax(ch, faxch, FormNo$, NRec, NPages, MergeFileName$) WordBasic.PrintStatusBar "Faxing ... Please Wait" CreateMergeForm ch, FormNo$ FaxMergeForm (NRec) End Sub Private Sub CreateMergeForm(ch, FormNo$) Dim q$ Dim FaxNo$ q$ = Chr(34) ActiveDocument.MailMerge.ViewMailMergeFieldCodes = True Call GoldMineLink.GetGMInfo(AccNo$, faxnum$, recipient$, company$) AccNo$ = Left(AccNo$, 20) faxnum$ = Left(faxnum$, 45) recipient$ = Left(recipient$, 30) company$ = Left(company$, 40) WordBasic.EndOfDocument 'Set printer to HylaFax - Printer must be set to get Univers font. defprn$ = WordBasic.Call("GMLib.GetPrinter$") SetHFxPrn (ch) Call PutHFInfo1(AccNo$, faxnum$, recipient$, company$) End Sub Private Sub FaxMergeForm(NRec) Dim i On Error GoTo -1: On Error GoTo ResetPrinter ActiveDocument.MailMerge.ViewMailMergeFieldCodes = True ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdLastRecord NRec = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdFirstRecord For i = 1 To NRec ActiveDocument.MailMerge.ViewMailMergeFieldCodes = False Call GoldMineLink.GetGMInfo(AccNo$, faxnum$, recipient$, company$) If Not (faxnum$ = "" Or faxnum$ = "( ) -") Then SpoolFile$ = Environ("TEMP") If SpoolFile$ = "" Then SpoolFile$ = Environ("TMP") ElseIf SpoolFile$ = "" Then SpoolFile$ = Environ("WINDIR") ElseIf SpoolFile$ = "" Then SpoolFile$ = "C:" End If SpoolFile$ = SpoolFile$ & "\hylafax" & i & ".ps" Application.PrintOut FileName:="", range:=wdPrintAllDocument, _ Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="", _ PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, Collate:=True, Background:=True, _ PrintToFile:=True, OutputFileName:=SpoolFile$, Append:=False Set objwhfc = CreateObject("WHFC.OleSrv") retole = objwhfc.SendFax(SpoolFile$, faxnum$, True) End If Set objwhfc = Nothing ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdNextRecord Next i ResetPrinter: WordBasic.Call "GMLib.setprinter", defprn$ 'reset Default Printer WordBasic.Call "GMLib.SetPrinter", defprn$ End Sub Private Sub SetHFxPrn(ch) Dim FaxDevice$ Dim HFxdevice$ ' Find and parse Winfax device string FaxDevice$ = WordBasic.[GetProfileString$]("devices", "HYLAFAX") HFxdevice$ = "HylaFax on " + WordBasic.[right$](FaxDevice$, (Len(FaxDevice$) - InStr(FaxDevice$, ","))) WordBasic.Call "GMLib.SetPrinter", HFxdevice$ End Sub ' Private Sub PutHFInfo(sAccNo, sFaxNum, sRecipient, sCompany) ' ' ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False Call ClearHFInfo Set MyStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="gmHylaFaxInfo", _ Type:=wdStyleTypeCharacter) With MyStyle.Font .Size = 2 .Bold = 0 .Italic = 0 .Underline = 0 .Name = "Univers" End With Call Selection.EndKey(Unit:=wdStory) Options.ReplaceSelection = False Selection.range.Style = "gmHylaFaxInfo" Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("gmHylaFaxInfo") Selection.TypeText Text:=" " WordBasic.Insert " " WordBasic.Insert " " WordBasic.Insert " " + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) 'Selection.Style = "Normal" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub ' Private Sub PutHFInfo1(sAccNo, sFaxNum, sRecipient, sCompany) ' ' ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False Call ClearHFInfo Set MyStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="gmHylaFaxInfo", _ Type:=wdStyleTypeCharacter) With MyStyle.Font .Size = 2 .Bold = 0 .Italic = 0 .Underline = 0 .Name = "Univers" End With Call Selection.EndKey(Unit:=wdStory) Options.ReplaceSelection = False Selection.range.Style = "gmHylaFaxInfo" Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("gmHylaFaxInfo") WordBasic.Insert " " WordBasic.Insert " " WordBasic.Insert " " WordBasic.Insert " " + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) 'Selection.Style = "Normal" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub ' Private Sub ClearHFInfo() ' ' Removes the HylaFax codes ' Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory On Error GoTo Done With Selection.Find .Style = "gmHylaFaxInfo" .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchCase = False .Forward = True .Format = True .Execute End With Selection.Delete ActiveDocument.Styles("gmHylaFaxInfo").Delete Done: End Sub